Daylily...'Joan Senior'

Author: jess35 /

Hemerocallis 'Joan Senior' Posted by Picasa

I adopted this little one last summer and so far it has adjusted quite well in the garden. It gets plenty of morning sun and some afternoon shade and is well on it's way to stardom, as you can see. The bloom is very generous, approximately 4.5 inches,but it's lifetime is limited to no more than a couple of days. Typically,
there are 3-5 blooms on a stalk.

If you are a tidy gardener you may want to clean up the spent blooms and divide it when necessary. I try not to use this specimen as a cut flower, but I thoroughly appreciate the contour of the lines and the amazing color. You cannot see it but there is a sublte white stripe down the midrib of each petal and a hint of green in the throat. Photos just don't do it justice. If you want to learn more about daylilies visit The American Hemerocallis Society and their website located at

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