
Author: jess35 /

We just had our first snowfall of the year last week and I was delighted to see it. These Crepe Myrtle seedpods caught my eye as I stumbled out the door to get a few shots before the snow turned to rain. I am still waiting for the big one, you know, the kind of snowfall that keeps you indoors for 3 or 4 days.


On a lighter note, I found a rather humorous article at TechCrunch provided by Michael Arrington and created by Jim Whimphey and The Brisbane Creative Team about web startups. Click on Useless Account to see more. Make sure you check out the FAQ page because it gives you a clear representation of what the heck is going on, albeit in a fuzzy kind of way, but you and I know, without it the value of the site seriously diminishes:) Anyway, I thought it a hoot because I for one love to sign up for just about anything.



All photos are copyright protected and are owned by jess35.
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